receipt of motion from the
gentleman from oklahoma.
>> mr. chairman, i move the
committee grant hr-2685 the
department of defense
appropriations act 2016, the
modified open rule.
the rule provides one hour of
general debate equally divided
and controlled by the chair and
ranking minority member on
the rule waves all point of
against provisions in the rule
for failure to comply with
clause 2 of 21.
the rule provides after general
debate, the bill shall be
considered for amendment under
the five-minute rule except
that, one, amendments shall be
debatable for ten minutes,
equally divided and controlled
by the proponent and unopponent
and shall not be subject to
and two, no pro forma amendment
shall be in order except the
chair and ranking committee
member on appropriations or
their respected designees may
offer up to ten pro forma
amendments each for the purpose
of debate.
the rule authorizes the chair to