on the left, you have andrew
jackson, a tennessee democrat
who we studied at some length
here, and on the right, henry
clay, a kentucky whig.
between clay and jackson, we get
two very different views of what
america should look like and i
have two political cartoons to
show how in the second party
system, new issues were
for example, the question of the
this is the second bank of the
united states and in this image
we see andrew jackson on the
left holding a cane which he
usually walked with, with all
his bullet wounds from his
duels, trying to battle back the
many-headed hydra which is a
mythical creature from greek
mythology but here it stands in
for the bank.
on each of the heads of the
hydra is an individual who was
representing the bank, the most
prominent one in the center here
was nicholas biddle who was the
president of the bank and who
became a kind of enemy to
jackson in this process.
so this is something of a satire