welcoming secretary price.
>> thank you so very much for
that kind introduction.
good morning.
what a great joy it is to be
here with so many dedicated
folks to an issue that deserves
so much attention for our
i want to thank dr. mccants-kats
for that tremendous interdurodun
we are tremendously excited to
have you in your tenure there at
the national survey on drug use
and health is a major task, i
don't have to tell most of you
that, getting reliable and
comparable information is vital
to our assessment and policy
this monumental effort is
absolutely crucial to
understanding the challenges
that we face in knowing how we
need to focus our efforts.
thanks go to all of the hard
working folks at sampson for
their dedication in prodiucing
this survey and this year is no
thanks to the acting head of
sampson for putting this
and also to palo delveccio, i
just like to say that name.
the director of afternosampsont
health services and...