at in my paper at the conference
is what happened in new york
so new york city they had human
rights laws that were more
expansive than the federal laws.
so it protected people in
housing, employment
as a disability, somebody who
was discriminated because they
had aids could go to this
legislation, they could go to
the human rights commission of
new york city and new york state
and file a complaint and have it
investigated and potentially get
their job back or get help with
the commissions looked at
funeral homes and looked at
hospitals, so that was, i kind
of look at that line about how
being disabled gave people with
aids some civil rights that they
didn't have.
>> and how do you research the
other part of that component,
those with physical disabilities
as part of the a.d.a.?
>> because there were a couple
of organizations, like the
leadership conference on civil
rights and it included the
members, national gay task