traveling interstate from
indiana to ohio, if ohio had
stricter laws and i was
trifling in my car, i would not
be harmed by people of that
state, because these laws would
be uniform.
their uniform firearms act was
so popular that it convinced
the new york assembly by
overwhelming majorities to
enact the legislation, not a
super majority to overrate the
veto but, armed in america
governor roosevelt decided --
when governor roosevelt vetoed
the legislation, nra ramped up
its efforts.
they started putting
advertisement for recruitment
that was expresses --
expressly targeted at fighting
firearms laws.
they created ten objectives,
the first three relate to fire
fighting firearms legislation.
i think that is the genesis
where the nra really becomes,
but for many decades --
let me caution and say that in
the 1930s the tierney general