he nationalized two of the large
est car makers in the world and
watched the nationalization of
our banking institutions.
the free market system from top
down is being swallowed up and
nationalized, instead of
privatized and i would make this
point that our president today
was elected at least in part
because he challenged president
bush and criticized president
bush for going into iraq without
an exit strategy.
this president has declared that
he doesn't want to own or
manage, freddie mac or fannie
mae, the financial institutions
or the auto makers of america,
but he has engaged in all of
that without an exit strategy.
i call on president obama to
come up with an exit strategy to
divest the american taxpayers
that he makes hugo chave3
that he makes hugo chavez a
mr. akin: that is a summary of
where we're are.
this disease that struck the