about "your views" questions
with richelle carey.
she's going to analyze that for
>> i am.
something i think a lot of
people are going to want to
weigh in on, richard.
here's the topic, as you said,
khalid shaikh mohammed and four
other gitmo detainees will be
tried in civilian court here in
the u.s., instead of a military
president obama, he's in japan
right now, made this comment
about the upcoming trial.
>> i am absolutely convinced
that khalid shaikh mohammed will
be subject to the most exacting
demands of justice.
the american people will insist
on it.
my administration will insist on
>> also, five other gitmo
detainees are expected to be
transferred to be tried by
military commissions.
here's the question.
do you agree with trying the
suspects in new york in civilian
do you think it's the right
thing to do?
maybe you'd prefer that they