became known that
waterboarding, for example, is
being used?
>> mr. speaker, i'm very happy
to say very clearly that the
government as detailed in the
successive intelligence and
security committee report did
follow up both in terms of our
own system, the way in which
the practices were taken
it's also in ways which i set
out on the -- what happened.
we documented what didn't
happen and what should have
happened, not in respect to an
individual case but in terms of
training and guidance for
that new orleans we are in a
much stronger position today
than we were in 2001, 2002.
and and we keep it under review
and i think the publication of
the current guidance which is
currently in front of the
i.s.c. will be an important
occasion for not the whole
house but for the whole country
to see.
>> can i join with him and
others in congratulating the
security services on their