number, a social security
it lowers the standard to the
point where fraud is
anticipated to the point where
the congressional budget
office's calculations produce
that it will open up -- open up
health care benefits to as many
as 6.1 million illegals.
that's c.b.o.'s number.
that's a number that's
calculated from their estimate,
not exactly their number.
it's not mine.
that's where we stand with the
legislation that funds
abortion, not so much the
senate but the house version of
the bill, we're not going to
get that language and
legislation that funds
illegals, legislation that
takes away our freedom and
liberty but nationalizes our
body, that tells everybody in
america the federal government
can tell you what -- how --
they can tell you how your
health care is going to be
managed, what health insurance
you will -- that you will buy a