the government can continue to
mortgage america's future by
reckless borrowing which is a
threat to the young people of
our country.
it's a threat to our senior
or we can limit the growth of
we are facing a government of
shutdown today.
as liberals are driving our
nation to a permanent economic
dr. buries is correct.
yesterday the house passed a
bill funding the troops and
military families for the rest
of the year.
senate democrats have yet
another opportunity to pass a
they have had 48 days to act
but have refused.
yesterday liberals laughed and
mocked republican leader eric
cantor when he warned of
but eric was standing up for
freedom in the best virginia
we face a shut down today
because the liberal majority in
the house last year failed to
pass a budget.
the new republican majority did
pass a budget 48 days ago but
the liberal majority in the
senate failed to act.
citizens should call liberals
and demand they pass a...