wrong, congress has it wrong,
and you'll tell us what we
should do instead.
finally, we will turn to my good
friend, bill frenzel.
for those under the age of 60
might not be as familiar with
bill frenzel that he was in
congress for 20 years, a ranking
member of the budget committee
for several terms, and knows as
much about the budget as anyone
i have encountered.
is a guest scholar at brookings.
he is quite to talk about the
politics of the budget -- he is
going to talk about the politics
of the budget deal.
let me say a few things about
the agreement.
it is helpful to think about it
in three distinct parts.
it raises the debt ceiling,
which was the point of the whole
in the history of the country,
all of these agreements raise
the debt ceiling.
this time, which two other
things -- if we reduce the
deficit, crucial, and by far the
most complicated, and an third
we agreed to have a vote on a