act would require the secretary
of the interior to act on oil
and natural gas lease
applications and open up new
reserves in alaska this
legislation would restrict the
strategic petroleum reserve
from being tapped unless the
administration develops a plan
to allow more leases, to
explore for adecisional sources
of oil.
let me put this in perspective
right here.
as a young army officer in
korea, 1973 and 1974, there was
an oil embargo, if you done
we cut off the -- opec cut off
oil production and sending it
to the u.s.
we only got heat three hours a
day, we had to keep the heat
for our tanks and aircraft to
protect this nation.
so it is one of strategic
importance and energy is a very
important source of that.
to obtain energy independence,
it's not only a key component
to domestic recovery, it's also
an issue of national security,
as i just mentioned.
the coming energy independence
is -- becoming energy