the gentleman from arizona.
mr. franks: thank you, mr.
i now yield to the gentleman
from new jersey, mr. smith, mr.
smith is the chairman of the
africa global health and human
rights subcommittee, on the
foreign affairs committee.
the speaker pro tempore: the
gentleman from new jersey is
recognized for two minutes.
mr. franks: for three, mr.
the speaker pro tempore: the
gentleman is recognize for
three minutes.
mr. smith: thank you very much.
i thank my friend for yielding.
mr. speaker, pain.
we all dread it, avoid it, even
fear it.
and go to extraordinary lengths
to mitigate its very terity and
duringation -- its severity and
many americans know that
abortion methods are vimet and
include a dismemberment of a
child's fragile body, chemical
poisoning and needles to the
baby's heart.
there is nothing humane, benign
or compassionate about
it is violence against children
and it hurts women.
but the relatively new
scientific understanding that