needs to be made at the outset.
everyone acknowledges,
petitioner, its amici, this
court in northwest austin, that
the voting rights act made a
huge difference in transforming
the culture of blatantly racist
vote suppression that
characterized parts of this
country for a century.
section 5 preclearance was the
principal engine of that
and it has always been true that
only a tiny fraction of
submissions under section 5
result in objections.
so that progress under section 5
that follows from that has been
as a result of the deterrence
and the constraint section 5
imposes on states and
subjurisdictions and not on the
actual enforcement by means of
now, when congress faced the
question whether to reauthorize
section 5 in 2006, it had to
decide whether -- whether it
could be confident that the
attitudes and behaviors in
covered jurisdictions had
changed enough that that very
effective constraint and
deterrence could be confidently
and congress had, as judge...