and finally, the regulators,
like the s.e.c. and the f.c.c.,
we fund them at lean, mean
we ask them to do more with
we ask them to provide smart
regulation, not job-killing,
excessive regulation.
at the end of the day, there's
been a lot of hard work, a lot
of negotiation but mostly a
great deal of cooperation.
i urge my colleagues to support
this bill.
i yield back my time.
the speaker pro tempore: the
gentleman from kentucky
the gentlewoman from new york
is recognized.
mrs. lowey: madam speaker, i'm
delighted to yield two minutes
to the distinguished gentleman
from pennsylvania, mr. fattah,
the ranking member of the
commerce, justice and science
the speaker pro tempore: the
gentleman from pennsylvania is
recognized for two minutes.
mr. fattah: i want to thank the
committee, the staff and my
fellow members of the
appropriations subcommittee.
this helps move our nation
forward, and i rise in support
of the bill.
i want to also thank my great