it started with bill bradley and
jack kemp and took a while to
bubble to the surface.
they started to talk about major
tax reform in 1982 and 1983 and
it was not enacted until
we are further down the starting
point than usual because you
have the chairman of the clore
-- core committee and widen, the
chairman of finance who put
forward his proposal so the
opportunity is there.
it should be taken.
and it requires quite honestly
presidential leadership and if
president obama wants to have a
legacy, reforming the tax laws
may be a good one.
the third issue of what
secretary hagel proposed in
defense spend, he didn't just
propose cutting defense spending
level funding it.
what he proposed was thinking
about it in terms in which --
which it hasn't been thought
about since the end of the cold
war, which is what are the
threats and how do you respond