nd you know, can you tell us
quickly how did the corker bill
ensure that congress has the
opportunity to brock -- to block
this deal and why we're here is
relevant to your committee fnd
the other committees of
jurisdiction and why we're here
today at the rules committee?
mr. royce: thank you, mr.
i would just make the
observation that congress
registered its concerns very
early in this process.
and in a bipartisan way.
because if we think back to the
legislate -- legislation that i
and eliot engel originally
authored and tried to push in
terms of the negotiation, that
legislation which passed this
house 400-20 and then was
blocked over in the senate at
the request of the
administration and could not
come up, that would have given
the ayatollah a choice between
economic collapse or real
compromise on his nuclear
and i want to get to this point.
that the president offers a
false choice between this
agroment or war.