the discussion, we had our
discussion, and christopher
hitchens, who many of you
probably know about, then was
working for us, he is a british
guy who later became more
conservative and left.
but he's to wear white suits
through the office, and
christopher said, i don't think
this is an act of sex, i think
this is an act of rape.
and i think that henry kissinger
is forcing himself on this
-- the young woman who it
you had objected say, i do not
agree with you, if you look at
her hand on the mattress, it
looks to me like the grip of
and christopher leaned over to
,he young woman, gripped her
and said trust me, my dear, it
is not the grip of passion.
>> integrating meshach sent.
so we had the discussion and
then i invited david to come
back and to have the discussion
with the staff, itself.
and we went through it a few