it is my understanding that rita
hart, an excellent candidate for
congress, has -- will be asking
the house to take this up.
for further information about
the technicalities of that, that
becomes a house, not a
political, but a house
administration matter.
house decides who it will seat.
we don't have any idea -- new
york is a completely different
new york is a completely
different situation.
new york, there could be 1,500,
5,000 votes not counted yet.
that is going into the courts, i
think monday is the day in the
and that is -- and that is what
is -- we'll see what happens in
the court, and that may end up
in the congress.
i don't know.
but the court will decide which
votes will be counted.
but that's like down to 12
it's interesting.
people should know, everyone
should know his or her vote