italy's new prime minister jens if it comes to in paris on friday the two men
calling for profound changes to the european union's saddam policies talks came
a diplomatic spat earlier this week when paris criticize rome's refusal to let
a migrant rescue ship docked at its port. days ago they exchanged harsh
words now it's handshakes and back rubs french president emanuel and italian prime
minister giuseppe contests are finding common ground despite their differences one
is a european cheerleader the other the head of
a euro skeptic government but both agree that the current rules for processing
asylum seekers in their country of a rival are not working. the concept of
a state of first entry must be reviewed whoever set foot in italy sets foot in
europe. will be to make the math that today the current system does not
work at the moment. the solidarity system is designed with quotas did not deliver
satisfactory results we must find