a criminal on the lawson's lens she recalls famous nudes of art history. the
photos neatly taken the appearance of paintings large scale and numerous dina
lawson fairy specifically wanted a bit too many photographs in this main room
a bit too close together to be
a traditional hanging of an exhibition and she says in
a conversation with her with me that she wanted them close together because she
wanted them to be able to protect each other given what's happening in the us it
becomes all the more touching all the more sad all the more reality that you know
lost and needed to think of her exhibition of groupings of people and individuals
and families as becoming one from the u.s.
to go brazil or jamaica lawson's portraits show strength in unity the dignity and
founder of klaas. violinist. is
used to traveling the world but with her and gage lutes canceled this year due to
19 the musician decided to embark on