a big that's going to stay with donald trump and it's going to be very difficult to
move them but there is also that large i mean there are republicans who perhaps
you're in for
a different time our party i mean this party has been redefined at this point to be
a trump loyalist party i mean in the in the people who are not showing up you know
that that that's because they just refuse to follow that line and so i think that
there are
a large number of voters out there that could deviate i mean that could go in
another direction to somebody like joe biden and come alive harris because it's
just it's more moderate and so there is a there is
a large component there that is not being addressed by this very narrow definition
that we've seen or that we're seeing roughly as you say about this trump
a loyalist party in fact to this convention the republican convention has been
absolutely dominated by the president's family the party for good for went
having a program a platform that's