the labor board may be slamming
thing on it.
and giving unions the okay to
sue big business, and can that
be a concern for the job market?
i'm brenda butner.
and joining us is josh mayfield,
and gary tautbalm and jonah max
ferris, and does that worry you,
>> well, it is not just
mcdonald's, but it is the
franchiser and franchise laws
are out there for 30 years,
because it has worked well, and
it is tough to start a small
business so when you have a big
company and great company like
mcdonalds that you get in with,
you can grow better that helps
the economy a big way and this
steps in front of it and not
just this, but everything else
that the administration does
with the rules and regulations.
>> john, jobs numbers yesterday
and they are okay, and not great
by any stretch, and the hourly
wages are barely increasing, and