seven-year anniversary of the
collapse of lehman brothers,
the president is using that as
a backdrop today for an event
he's having.
it will be interesting to see
if this is kind of phrased
tonight in the sense of laymen
or the sense of the potential
rate hike tomorrow.
either way, for those of us who
follow, this absolutely no
surprise that one of the
presidential candidates is
already getting ahead of this.
senator rand paul released an
op-ed in the "wall street
journal" late last night that
appeared in the print edition
this morning.
as you know, neil, he's calling
to audit the fed and he
released a fairly blistering
critique of the fed.
if he gets asked about it, he
would have a version of this
here's what he wrote, and i'll
quote the back end of this.
he said --
that from rand paul.
as the markets were going up
and down, up and down,
especially down a couple weeks