for alternatives.
>> paul montgomery
tells me the story.
he's a rare-coin dealer
and author.
and he explains
that the mint's solution
is to switch from costly copper
to a cheaper metal.
what was the composition
of them?
>> the coin is made out of
96 percent aluminum.
>> the mint's proud of the coin.
it strikes a million and a half
and even hands out a few
to members of congress
before its release.
but the aluminum penny is
a bigger '70s flop
than the gremlin
or the leisure suit.
>> the coins didn't work
in vending machines, uh,
i guess because of the metal.
kids would swallow 'em,
and they wouldn't show up
in x-rays, either.
>> so instead of circulating
the coins,
the mint melts them down.
and it takes back
the few it handed out.
the 1974 aluminum penny becomes
as elusive as the proverbial
or maybe not.
>> i began doing additional
which led me to think