david: students at one of the
nations biggest school districts
will not have to wish for snow
days to skip class this winter.
now all they need is an excuse
to protest starting next month,
public schools in fairfax,
county, virginia allows students
to take off one day a year to
participate in protest
activities like marchs and sit-
ins but conservatives say
the policy favors liberal causes
so should tax dollars educate
kids be supporting something
like this?
gary smith?
>> well, i'll tell you, david i
guess the default response you
expect from me is to rail
against this but you know, i
don't really mind.
it's a day a year.
does it tilt toward the liberal
yeah i'm sure it does.
they tend to protest more if you
will, but i guess if the kids
have a chance to learn about
civics or learn about issues,
certainly going to be more
involved than i was when i was
growing up and it's probably a
better use of time than we spent
taking field trips to wherever
which was just a chance to...