said this project is 1-sided
and dogmatic style of history.
it could be part of the
curriculum but not its core.
please don't do this, you will
regret it.
my view is like on energy when
people talk about fossil fuels
or wins and electrical.
i'm all in on all options and
i'm all in on all areas of
study to include free children
and future generations to come
not to exclude that which you
don't find pleasant or
supportive of your views.
include it all.
why can't we do that?
>> we need to dig in deep to
everything and we can spend a
lifetime, many of us pick up
books on a daily basis, try to
read them.
david mccullough has written
them the great historian that
helped us to know more about
everyone from adams to
jefferson, hamilton, we need to
know more, not less.
the fact that the purpose of
education which by the way more
billions, the president's
prescription the other day,
writing a blank check for all
programs from cradle to grave
gives unprecedented authority
to washington where...