>> bill: when you wouldn't you
want to sit here with me you
and him.
>> no interest whatsoever.
>> bill: you could hit whim
oblique references he wouldn't
>>, what like balancing the
[ laughter ]
>> bill: oh.
>> who wants to get in that
most astounding part on "the
view" he not only knew who kim
kardashian was but he knew the
exact date when bruce jenner
turned into mr. driesdale
>> that's beverly hill
>> except for you.
we are old men.
>> bill: you have suggestions
for mitt romney's campaign,
>> listen.
i have got two.
i called on campaign.
i worked for like three
politicians in my life or
tried to.
the only one who gave you
decent bounce was w.
at least he could talk to you.
the other two you can't get
ahold of.
they are stars.
i called romney pitched good
idea that debt clock.
like the birth clock outside