obama for what he says is a
dismantling of welfare reform.
u.s. census bureau reports that
more than a hundred million
americans are now receiving some
form of federal welfare.
if you take a look at the chart
the number has been rising
steadily since 2009.
art laugh eri laugher is the
architect of reaganomics.
thank you for joining us.
>> this is a huge increase for
people that don't work or work
very little.
there are a lot of categories
that are not inc those
what it really means is that,
you know, if you pay people not
to work, and if you tax them if
they do work, you know you're
going to get a lot of people not
the way to see this number
clearly is imagine we have a
two-person world, farmer a and
farmer b, and that's all there
is in the world, bill nothing