it was a great deal for
everyone but the reader.
and that all broke up, and
they don't have anything to
replace it with.
they are pining for somebody
to ride in on a white horse
and that person doesn't
>> there is no way he is
buying these to make money.
90% of the papers are owned by
really rich people who want a
hobby and a pulpit.
papers don't make money.
>> yes, they do.
>> wall street journal, new
york times, chicago tribune.
>> you can make 10 to 12%
profit margin which is higher
than what wal-mart makes.
they were leveraged like crazy
and their evaluations have
no one wants to buy it because
nobody will sell it.
if you want to buy and hold --
that's what warren buffet is
that's a money printing
you just fire enough
journalists to keep the 10 to
12% profit margin.
that is one of the most
profitable business models in
america over the last half
>> maybe it is the writer's
way of saying prematurely you
can't fire me.