let me ask you this.
max baucus.
>> yeah.
>> spear headed the effort to
get obamacare passed when he was
in the senate.
the democrat told "the new york
times," you know, it is my
belief for major legislation to
be durable, sustainable, it has
to be bipartisan.
one party can't jam legislation
down the other party's throat.
it leaves a bitter taste.
thanks for that, senator.
>> now he tells out.
-- us.
when they use parliamentary
techniques to pass this with 50
votes instead of reaching out
the to republicans and trying to
now they are paying the price.
what max baucus is worried about
is the fact that they own this.
this is all theirs.
they didn't reach out in a
bipartisan way.
george bush when he was passing
the bush tax cuts, got a lot of
democrat quick support.
bill clinton reached out to the
republicans to pass nafta.
obama didn't reach out and now
he owns it.