he should pay his fees as well.
>> comparing bundy to timothy
>> runners embarked on the first
march thathon since the terror
>> these people who hold
themselves out to be patriots
are not.
they are nothing more than
domestic terrorists.
>> unbelievable given the events
in oklahoma city and at the
boston marathon.
we really know what real
domestic terrorists look like
and that's not cliven bundy and
back to respond tonight is
cliven bundy and his sons aman
and arden are with us.
what is your reaction to being
called or compared to the tim
mcveigh or the boston bombers,
what is your reaction to that?
>> sean, i would like to ask
your audience, you seen these
videos in the last couple of
i want to ask you, who looked
like the terrorists?
who is the domestic terrorists
did you see we the people with
guns or the united states
government with guns?
harry, why are you acting like
why, harry, are you calling for
a civil war?
that's not what we...