he doesn't have one.
it is tv's andy levy.
and my pleasure to welcome
back tom kotter.
i admit that was pathetic.
you have a thing in your ear.
and next to me man who can
kill you with his nostril
hairs, it is terry sappert.
>> a block, the lede.
that's the first story.
>> oh.
are their faces disgraces?
it is another crisis sparked
by isis.
fresh from telling christians
in the iraqi city of mosul
they must convert or die, the
islamic state has said all
mannequins -- yes, man new
kins, must be veiled.
the sunni extremists took
control of mosul last month
and according to the ap, shop
owners have been told to cover
the faces of male and female
mannequins due to
interpretation of shari'a law
that forbids statues or art