be a captain for american.
he said "we simply did not get
this one right.
we will always try to do better
and work hard to align our core
values, especially as they
relate to the commitment we have
for our men and women in
the airline says it hasn't yet
reached out to sergeant marle
because he never complained to
>> and he probably never will.
trace, thanks.
still to come tonight, wait
until you see the campaign ad
that now blames republicans for
the ebola outbreak.
>>> and next in a "the kelly
file" exclusive, we will sit
down with the first -- for the
first time with the attorney for
nadal hassan, the ft. hood
shooter who killed 13 and
injured 30 others.
see what his client has just
done, and it involves our own
catherine herridge.
when folks think about
what they get from alaska,
they think salmon and energy.
but the energy bp
produces up here
creates something
else as well:
jobs all over america.
engineering and innovation jobs.
advanced safety
systems &...