the trip to syria to join
the western recruits braced
themselves for a life without
sit down toilets.
learn to squat if you don't
know how to.
below is a picture of a man
squating with correct form.
and he is right.
here is the picture.
you know what?
it is kind of pleasurable.
they recommend rocks, leaves
and straw while avoiding wet
it is in a tone that is
i believe we have tape of a
jihady cleaning himself.
♪ i whip my hair back and
forth ♪
>> all right, baker, do you
think it will scare recruits
>> oh no.
i think it will draw them by
the thousands.
>> they point out you
shouldn't use bones.
>> or dung.
>> or dung.
that will keep people from
you know how pleasurable it is
to wipe your ass with a bone.
>> or dung.
>> i think this is just one
more example of their effort
to do this media out reach.
and we make fun of it.
it is surprising how much
better it was now than say
three, four, five years ago.
you look at what they were