aig was a problem.
lehman brothers went bankrupt.
they were not banks.
we need to rein in the risk
posed by these financial
>> final question here.
>> that was the wrong sound
in the end she said i did the
wrong thing.
i'm sorry, but it was allowed.
what we didn't see was a really
tough follow up of did you ask
anyone permission and if you are
sorry about this why not release
all of the e-mails tomorrow?
why aren't we seeing that kind
of tough questioning?
>> i think john dickerson did
press hillary clinton about
and i think he may have made the
calculation that since she
apologized and done interviews
about the e-mail fiasco that
maybe it wasn't going to break
much new ground.
this is exactly what she wants.
the more she takes these
questions even if giving the
same answers and not addressing