>> you were not required to make
a public statement.
>> i wasn't a politician.
but it was lucky i found a big
article in reuters in 2004 in
july headline "trump only posed
the war."
and two years before that i
opposed it because i said it
wrote destabilize the middle
east and iran will take over.
those fought for years, for
years, iran and iraq.
>> i do not question your
feelings --.
>> look, it made sense.
when the world trade center was
knocked down, they did not send
their families back to iraq they
sent their families to saudi
>> you agree it is easier to be
publicly critical of the war
when it was a quagmire?
>> you saw my statements when
the war was a hot thing and
everyone was for it including
hillary clinton and the bushes
and everyone else, everyone, i'm
the only one opposed to it.
i am more militaristic than
anyone on the dias but you have
to know when to use it.
we don't know what we are doing.
our military is in shambles.
the general who just retired is
a very good...