parents who spoiled me. my
father was tough. my mother
maybe in her own way was
tougher, but she spoiled me.
levin: i understand you actually
worked as a child.
trump: i did.
levin: a paper route?
trump: i did. i did the paper
thing. i cleaned laundry rooms
because my father had a building
or something. we had a little
laundry room.
levin: right.
trump: and collect sometimes
the coins from the machine.
levin: i read that when it
rained, you took your dad's
limo to deliver papers.
trump: no, that is a story
that's out there. i don't
believe so.
levin: there is a story out
about a music teacher you didn't
think knew anything about music
and you hit the music teacher
because you were like,
"you don't know anything."
trump: well, it gets a
little exaggerated.
levin: but you were
trump: yeah, i was
strong-willed. yeah,
that story is very exaggerated.
that story is all over the
place. i hate that story. but
no, that's not
something i would do.
levin: how were you punished...