discipline and kind of just
getting things done?
trump: yeah, probably so.
i mean, who really knows?
i don't think of it in that way.
i do it because i enjoy it,
whether it's tennis or golf or
whatever you may play. you know,
as you get older, you sort
of--your choices are more
limited. you can't put together,
like, 18 people on a baseball
field. but i've just always
loved being a sportsman or
playing sports.
♪ for it's 1, 2, 3 strikes
you're out at the old
ball game ♪
levin: you admire athletes.
trump: well, i respect athletes.
i respect winners. i respect
great athletes, and some--
you know, you learn so much
from sports, because it's just
sort of a microcosm of life,
except one thing--you have a
winner and you have a loser
and it takes place in a short
period of time. with life, it's
meandering. you don't know
and you don't know exactly what
it is and you don't know who
wins, who loses, but it is
a microcosm of life.
levin: what about tom brady?
you seem to connect with him.