going to go along with that
kennedy: dagen, let me ask you,ç
obviously this is the white
whale, this is the magnum opus,
this is the gold in medal for
any president is lasting peace
in the middle east.
so is the president in his final
weeks trying to craft some sort
of peace there, or, is this just
some sort of needling defense
israel for the bad relationship
they have had over two terms.
>> if the obama administration
wanted peace and wanted to
protect israel, they wouldn't
have brokered that iran deal and
handed $1.7 billion in a cash
ransom payment to the number one
state sponsor ofç terrorism.
funding terrorists in yemen.
funding hezbollah.
and firing missiles by the way,
earlier this year that carried
the hebrew message, israel must
be wiped out.
let's not forget that.
why is this happening now?
why didn't it happen before now?
because of the politics.
because if democrats had heard