god-given liberties enshrined in
our constitution including the
second amendment right to keep
and bear arms.
[cheers and applause]
and, you know, working with my
old friend, congressman steve
king --
president trump's been busy
securing our borders, ending
illegal immigration, removing
dangerous criminals off the
streets of our cities.
in fact, illegal immigration on
our southern border is already
down more than 60% this year
[cheers and applause]
and it's going to fall even
further, because president
donald trump is going to build a
[cheers and applause]
and working with all these great
iowa leaders, president trump
has stood, i can say, without
apology for the sanctity of
human life.
this administration has worked,
this administration has worked
to prevent funding of abortion
at home and abroad, and we'll
continue to stand for the
and just two days ago as the
world watched, with the strong
support of senator grassley and