middle class cares about or they
can import an entirely new
electorate from the third world
and change the demographics of
the u.s. so completely they will
never lose again.
they are going with the latter
yesterday, we told about college
park, maryland, where illegal
immigrants have the right to
vote in the elections.
that's the beginning of a much
larger trend.
we consider total confidence
that letting illegals vote
everywhere and all elections
will be a mainstream democratic
position within five years if
not much sooner.
anyone who opposes it will be
called a racist.
bet money on in it.
the dividends in such a strategy
are just too obvious.
there are, by the ways, ways to
make a daca compromise that
might improve this country.
once given legal status,
dreamers will be eligible to
legalize their family members
through family unification,
meaning the amnesty will end up
covering millions, not just a
few hundred thousand.
a real daca compromise would
explicitly ban this...