no one better to explain this
than the budgeting director
>> thank you for having me.
i'm happy to chat about it a
>> maybe you can indulge me.
they proposed roughly
$16 billion worth of cuts.
that's not much.
you say they are not doing
>> a few things on that.
$15 billion is still a lot of
if i could change one thing in
washington i would outlaw the
word billion or trillion.
it's $15 billion.
you do that a few times and you
are talking about real money.
a lot of them are cosponsoring
the bill.
mark walker the chairman of the
republican study committee.
they are supporting the effort.
i recognize the criticism that
it's not how it looks.
i try to talk about doing
something like this myself.
the fact of the matter we had
various objections about can you
figure out where it doesn't go
we were like, look, if that's
fine, let's go and book the
$15 billion for savings.
if we can find a bunch of
taxpayer money not being spent
at all how is that a bad...