amy -- bret cavanaugh, amy
barrett and tom hardiman, a
judge from pennsylvania.
ray ketledge from michigan.
joan larson is out from women.
allison another ives --
allison ives.
they understand that the court
has a duty to enforce the
limits on government power and
to interpret the constitution
according to the text and the
original meaning.
they really believe in the
rule of law.
and this is a tremendous
opportunity for the president
to pick another justice like
neil gorsuch who is
very courageous and
and who wants to interpret the
constitution the way the
framers meant it to be.
>> tucker: can democrats
stop this?
can you imagine a scenario
where they could?
>> i think if the president
has a process like he had the
first time, engages in a lot
of advice and picks a great
nominee like neil gorsuch.
if he uses the gorsuch model i