we've lost the ability to have a
civil discourse really just
about anything.
as soon as you start talking,
somehow it veers off course.
and i've seen -- i've got family
that sits on both sides of the
spectrum, right and left.
greg: right.
>> and on the left, it's pretty
hard core left.
and i just want to have dinner,
you just want to get together
and enjoy family and everything,
and you can't do it.
it's very, very difficult.
we're not approaching civil war
status, i don't think that's
ever going to happen.
by the way, if it did, the left
would get its ass kicked.
but i think we do need to step
back, take a breath and do
exactly what you say.
next time you're in a
conversation just realize, hey,
look, we've seen a lot worse
and it's not the death of the
republic every time the
administration takes an action.
greg: you know, tom, is it too
much to expect the left to meet
the right like finish not even
halfway with.
i'd be happy if 10 %.