points in 2016.
joining us now, andy biggs.
he represents arizona in the
u.s. congress.
so what do you think about the
numbers, congressman?
>> i don't get everly concerned
with them, jon.
i don't know what the cross tabs
>> i've been always over the
state in the last few weeks
particularly during and post
republican convention.
i can't imagine that the polls
can capture the intensity that
i'm seeing among republicans
throughout this state.
so when i hear that 1 poll has 9
points down, i've seen other
points a dead heat.
i don't get overly concerned.
i think they're missing out on
the enthusiasm factor, which is
different between the two
parties in this state.
>> jon: you have spent a lot of
time with the president since he
took office.
that atlantic report says that
the president made disparaging
racks about anyone who has worn
the uniform and particularly did
not want to go to the cemetery