>> probably not.
it's not good for wall street
the study that he's referring to
is put out by a never trumper.
pragmatic, practical sense.
raising taxes across the board,
raising regulations across the
board, decimating the energy
sector, taking over health care.
do you think it's going to
create jobs or lose jobs?
back to the hoover study.
it's very important, done well.
you're going to get crushed.
you will lose jobs and gdp and
your family income.
you know, did you look, under
the hood of the gdp today,
you're talking about 41%
increase in consumer spending,
59% housing.
business investments 70%,
automobiles up 1200%.
>> laura: they claim that's
only because, larry, the economy
was so in the toilet in q2.
that's the only reason.
i'm telling you that's their
spin because they have to spend
>> i understand that's their
let me get my point of view out.
i'm saying that not only do we
have this remarkable rebound
across the board but now
inventories are...