you weren't there.
now you want to come out in the
freezing cold to oppose my
fundamental human rights.
i'm not going to have it.
standing beside my brother right
here, my brother right here.
none of you have the right to
tell me who and who would not is
here with me.
because he did not come out and
voice your concern for the fact
that justin trudeau banned me
from leaving this country
because of my medical decision,
because my decision that he did
not like.
>> jesse: shut up, racist.
go back to your country.
no one in the media of canada,
which is controlled by the
government, is engaging with any
of the arguments of people like
they don't have an argument to
make, all they have is police
and they are using it.
officials in ottawa threatened
to criminally investigate the
california company gofundme
because truckers and raised
millions of dollars on the fund.
>> we have the efforts with the
mayor and his staff been able to
shut down the gofundme program,
a temporary place...