he asked, if ukraine had
biological weapons, we would
never imagined ukraine would
have biological weapons, why
would ukraine have bio weapons?
so it seemed like a pretty
strange question.
but it wasn't half as shocking
as the answer he got.
watch what she said.
>> does ukraine have chemical or
biological weapons?
>> ukraine has biological
research facilities which in
fact we are now quite concerned
russian troops, russian forces
may be seeking to gain control
we are working with the
ukrainians on how they can
prevent any of those research
materials from falling into the
hands of russian forces should
they approach.
>> tucker: [laughs]
does ukraine have biological
ukraine has biological research
you mean secret bio labs like
the secret bio labs ukraine
definitely doesn't have?
ukraine has those?
yes it does.
and not only does ukraine have
secret bio labs, whatever they
are doing in those labs is so
dangerous and so scary that she
is "quite concerned" for...