i appreciate you coming on
tonight, thank you so much.
>> you bet.
>> assuming there is a
republican controlled congress
and it looks like there will be
it will be tested and its first
and maybe biggest test is
ukraine funding.
we are in a recession unite
states it's getting worse.
everyone who follows us expecte
to get much worse.
in a recession, you don't have
enough money.
the president of ukraine is
going on television demanding a
infinite supply of money from
the united states forever.
ticket we would really like for
the supports, and eventually th
amount of support to stay the
same, and to have this joint
support from the u.s. society
and the u.s. taxpayers.
at the end of the day, this is
not the money of the government
but the money of the people.
>> it is completely outrageous.
we don't even know where the
money is going.
to even suggest that kind might
be getting rich from it, you ar
getting centered.
people are getting rich, in thi
country in their country, but